He has provided for us financially. He has given us a beautiful daughter. He has seen us through some very difficult days both emotionally and physically. He has been faithful in every way, but the chief demonstration of His faithfulness came on a cross when Jesus bore my sin to ransom me (and everyone who turns from his/her sin and trusts in the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ alone to save him/her).
As I sat on our balcony overlooking the ocean, I was reminded of God's creative power. The God who made the oceans and the heavens and the tides is the same God who keeps His covenant. He can be trusted. He cannot fail.
Psalm 136 reminds us of the character, position, power, judgment, and redemption of God and follows up each reminder of God's power and faithfulness with this statement, "For His lovingkindness is forever." Consider reading this Psalm right now, and see if it does not lead you to praise our covenant-keeping God and to thank Him for all He has done.
"Give thanks to the God of heaven
For His lovingkindness is everlasting."
Psalm 136:26
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